Category Archives: Outdoor News

Talisker Slides Aside; Leaves Canyons To Vail Resorts

If the lease of Canyons Resort to Vail Associates knocked people off their feet, the news this week that Talisker Corporation (Vail’s landlord) is pulling out of Canyons altogether is sending them into the next hemisphere. Flera LLC, a subsidiary of one of Talisker’s major underwriters (the investment-management firm Värde Partners Inc.) has brought in Alvarez & Marsal to sort things out. A&M is one of world’s largest restructuring firms. “This is what they do when companies get into trouble and run,” says Shane Gadbaw, hedge fund entrepreneur and owner of Eagle Point Resort in Beaver, Utah. “It takes serious financial issues for the shareholders to get involved.”


Talisker made a play for The Canyons back in 2007 and closed the deal with now-defunct American Skiing Company by 2008. “After the economic slump and two weak ski seasons, the writing was on the wall,” Gadbaw says. “This is like a bankruptcy except they are not trying to get out of their responsability to bondholders. This is a more amicable.”


Flera issued a statement Thursday saying, “It is business as usual at Canyons, and our goal is to make this transition as seamless and effective as possible for all of our guests, residents, employees and operators.” So, Talisker is out and Flera now owns the development rights to “four million square feet of real estate at the Canyons Resort, construction of the Canyons golf course, and oversight of the Waldorf Astoria Park City Hotel.” The trouble is Summit County is left wondering who’s actually going to live up to the deal they made for those development rights at Canyons. Talisker had committed to building a golf course, a convention center, a transit plan and affordable housing and the County plans to enforce those requirements.


Summit County Manager Bob Jasper told The Park Record that Talisker’s Jack Bistricer personally assured him that “Talisker is solvent and that he still owns 50 percent of the resort. He is just no longer the lead developer.” Possibly. Talisker still owns the Empire Pass development in Deer Valley, the land under Park City Mountain Resort, a restaurant on Main Street and the Tuahaye development between Park City and the town of Kamas.


There’s a strong chance that Flera will soon instigate an orderly liquidation of assets. In which case, yet another developer could come in and finish the county’s requirements. The good news is that because the Vail deal occurred first, the transition is a relative sideshow to the resort operations. “We view this is an internal Talisker matter that does not impact our efforts or arrangements at Canyons,” says Vail representative Kelly Ladyga. Talisker will still be Vail’s beneficiary but the money they receive will go to recover for the bondholders.


You’re not alone in thinking that the goings-on at Canyons Resort is starting to feel like a soap opera. Tune in next time for As The Ski Area Turns.



A Snowboard Is a Snowboard Even If You’re Handicapped.

Thomas Traviglini claims Deer Valley Resort is saying he’s not handicapped “enough”. They kicked the Connecticut guest and his friends off the mountain April 2, 2013, for riding a snowboard which he says is more like a modified monoboard for handicapped athletes. But DV President Bob Wheaton says he checked with the National Ability Centers in Winter Park, Colo., and in Utah and, nope, that’s definitely a snowboard in their book.

The bones in Traviglini’s right foot are deformed and that leg is shorter than the other. He says the only way he can ski is with a “Teleboard”, where one foot goes in front of the other on one ski so that the back foot carries little weight. The board is a modified snowboard but with telebindings mounted one in front of the other (instead of side by side) so that its ‘person’ faces downhill and uses ski poles.

Judging from these photos, it looks and skis more like a monoski than a snowboard. Monoskis are allowed at Deer Valley.

Traviglini has taken it to the court of public opinion. He stopped by Salt Lake City’s ABC 4 News yesterday for a chat. “I don’t think they should be allowed to deny a handicapped person access to the mountain,” he said. He also described a very standoffish attitude from Mountain Ops Director Chuck English who helped escort Traviglini off the hill “like a criminal”. The irony is that both English and Wheaton snowboard as well as ski.

Later, Wheaton spoke personally with Traviglini to assuage his ire and find clarity. According to a family member, DV approved Traviglini’s Teleboard last season (over the phone) and allowed him access. This year, they called Alta and skied there all day on April Fool’s. Wheaton says he’ll review the matter before making a final decision as to whether a Teleboard is a snowboard but their lift tickets have been refunded.

Let’s face it, Folks. Deer Valley owns their land and they can do anything they want with it; including banning snowboarders. Their guests love that rule so it won’t change anytime soon. If a disabled person wants to ski Deer Valley they can, they just need to use a different device? Anyway, get over it. You don’t really want to be caught in the daily mêlée down Northside or Birdseye on a board, do you? Go ride at Canyons or Park City Mountain Resort. You’ll be glad you did.

Utah Ski Resort Closing Dates

Here they are. The ‘official’ Closing Dates- until they change. As usual, the last two resorts to close will be Alta (April 28) and Snowbird (May 27).

I hear we are going to have a seriously wet April. Better buy that Bird spring pass. J

Park City Resorts

Deer Valley Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013

Deer Valley Resort official website

The Canyons Ski Resort

Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013. Don’t miss their final free-at-3p après concert on the Plaza this Saturday- The Pour Horse is a Salt Lake based quartet that produces a mixture of rock, funk and blues with a little bit of a jam band-esque feel.

The Canyons Ski Resort – Official Website 

Park City Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013
Park City Mountain Resort – Official Website 

Provo Resort
Sundance Resort
Anticipated Closing April 7, 2013. Will open for summer operations April 18! Guess with a 30″ base it won’t take long to melt off.

Sundance Resort – Official Website

Alta Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013, then Fri-Sun. through April 28. No uphill traffic until May.
Alta Ski Resort – Official Website

Brighton Ski Resort
Night skiing ends April 6. Anticipated Closing April 21, 2013. Take advantage of their Tax Day Relief promotion, April 15. Lift tickets $20!!
Brighton Ski Resort – Official Website

Snowbird Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing Memorial Day Weekend (May 27), 2013
Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort

Solitude Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013, Lift tickets are $49 until close; free if you stay at one of Solitude’s lodging properties.
Solitude Mountain Ski Resort – Official Website 

Northern Utah Resorts
Beaver Mountain Resort

Beaver Mountain Resort – Official Website

Powder Mountain Resort
Closing April 7, 2013
Powder Mountain Resort – Official Website

Snowbasin Ski Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013
Snowbasin Ski Resort – Official Website

Wolf Mountain Ski Resort
Wolf Mountain Ski Resort – Official Website

Southern Utah Resorts
Brian Head Resort
Anticipated Closing April 14, 2013. Don’t miss the Spring Carnival on Sat., April 13, with fun events from 11a-4p.
Brian Head Resort – Official Website

Eagle Point Resort
Anticipated Closing April 7, 2013
official website

SkiLink: Friend or Foe

By Jill Adler

There are more than a few entities who would like to put the kibosh on SkiLink. Gauging from the packed church at last night’s forum in Park City, Utah, the proposed gondola between Canyons Resort and Solitude Mountain Resort will definitely not go quietly.

“Park City residents are here because they’re concerned about this being in their backyard,” said Sierra Club’s Tim Wagner. The discussion centered on whether to support a land swap between the feds and Talisker Corp. which owns Canyons. Congress would have to sell 30 acres of federal land in Big Cottonwood Canyon for SkiLink to run and backcountry enthusiasts fear that means Talisker would have some serious control over their playground.

Those ‘for’, like the idea of propelling Utah skiing to the forefront of the industry. They say it would light the fuse to connect the other Utah resorts and create a ski experience similar to those in Europe and unlike anything in this country. They add it would alleviate traffic and congestion in the canyons, and create 500 jobs.
Those ‘against’, say a gondola would crush the backcountry and set a “dangerous precedent.”

Solitude Mountain’s Dave DeSeelhorst says that’s not a realistic fear. There’s plenty of water available outside of this particular watershed space and the gondola could be built with minimal environmental impact.

There’s still time to weigh in. The possibility of construction is a long way off. First Congress has to approve the sale and then the local governments would need to meet to decide whether SkiLink is a viable and beneficial project before Canyons can make a groundbreaking move.

The panel discussion last night is the first of many public forums to come about SkiLink. We’ll keep you up on the drama as it unfolds.

Too Cold To Snow


Damn, it’s cold. Perhaps it’s the coldest stretch Utah has seen in decades? I’m no weather dude so I can’t speak to records but for the first time EVER I’ve run out of my stash of handwarmers.

It was officially two degrees colder today than yesterday but once you’re below the teens does it really make a difference? The snow was so cold…how cold was it? So cold that I had to grab onto Alta’s rope tow from the start rather than glide alongside it most of the way. (Cold snow = sticky skis.) It was so cold my snot froze. So cold my boyfriend had to drive with his ski boots on because he couldn’t pry the plastic open until the heater thawed them.

We headed up to Alta at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning thinking that we were dressed as warmly as possible. The problem is that no matter how toasty your body is, the chairs are cold and boots are cold. ‘Snowbird’s the best on cold days because you can ride the tram,” Ryan said as we passed the Bird going up LCC. But yesterday friends reported waits of more than an hour for the tram. So the tram is warm but your wait isn’t. Kind of makes the ride moot.

I was prepared for the freeze after my few hours at Solitude yesterday. It was 9 degrees and that was cold enough. I made four runs in the 8 inches of windblown powder then raced down to the Moonbeam Lodge to rescue my feet. Three more runs and I was done. I probably would have stayed home today if it wasn’t so much fun to finally get freshies at Solitude. It had been nearly two weeks since the last big storm.

Alas, the most recent storm system has migrated east, clearing out the inversion (i.e. smog) in the Salt Lake Valley and leaving more snow in the city than in the mountains. Huh? A foot versus more than two feet on the Valley floor. The Utah Avalanche Center says it got “too cold to snow at the upper elevations. The best temperature range for dendridic crystal growth occurred in the lower elevations where it was a bit warmer.” Some areas north of Salt Lake rang in with 40 inches! The Cottonwoods got about 11″. The UAFC says the sub-zero temperatures above 9000 feet are the coldest of the season so far.

I hear it’s supposed to be even worse tomorrow. Make sure at the least you’ve got toe warmers, hand warmers, down coats and thick fleece baselayers. Do not leave home without them or that will be one expensive ‘lodge’ ticket. I really that it gets warm enough to snow. We’re about 50″ shy of a great base depth.

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