24 Weeks!!

Onto my quick update of the ‘sitch’. Six months this week! I’m still fitting into my size 26 James Jeans cords I got this winter at the Sundance Film Festival. Take a look at the photos shot this morning. Thank the fashion gods for low-rise waistbands! I even wore a Lee Jeans denim mini when Ryan and I dove into the Tavernacle last Saturday night for dueling pianos.
At times I’d like to hold a sign saying, “I’m not fat, just pregnant” but Ryan says no one would even think I look fat…yet. Charming ;). I went to TJ Maxx last week and upped my cup size to ‘C’ . Wahoo! Kristen exclaimed that it looks like I had an enhancement. I’ve been extremely lucky so far- no swollen anything, no debilitating pains, no continuous nausea, no skin breakouts (whew!), no stretch marks, no significant mood swings, no loss of ‘desire’. I feel an occasional wiggle down there that reminds me I really am pregnant. I’m sure that will change in a matter of days but I’m counting my blessings so far.
My spare room will soon become the nursery but because Ryan is living in SLC and not here (he walks to work), we have to double up on the big items. So far, I’ve collected a Peg Perego high chair, Graco Pack n’Play and a handful of kids books from yard sales and my friend Karen gave me some Avent baby bottles, two carseats and some Pooh posters. My collection is growing steadily.
At friends’ requests (because I had no idea people even did this), I registered at Babies ‘R’ Us at Amazon.com but I’m digging the hand-me-downs. Why let perfectly good baby stuff go to waste?? The baby shower is at Kristen’s house at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, May 21. Ladies, email me for details if you can make it.