She’s on the Move!

Beach baby! You can see more pics from our San Diego trip at

At 5:15 p.m. on July 26, 2007, Sage crawled to me! We really thought she’d be one of those babies who skipped the dogmarch and went straight for walking but nope.
There she was, playing with Ryan in her room, with me watching from the doorway, when she spun on her bum and bee-lined for me like a padding puppy. I opened my arms wides, called to her and gave her the biggest, warmest hug when she got to me. I almost cried. My little baby was no longer completely dependent on me for transportation. I can’t arrest the process. She’s growing up. Uh Oh! Can this spell disaster? She’s already fussing when I lay her on the changing table. Crying and squirming where she used to twirl the diaper cream tube and smile up at me as I wiped. She wants to sit up and play with the light switch.

It’s back to the books to find out what I need to do to keep her from feeling cooped up yet plan the day so I can still work. Up till now, I could sit her down at various “stations” where she would play alone, and gleefully, for 1-2 hours until it was time for a scene change. She’s still good at keeping herself entertained but I’d like her to be able to stretch her legs, or better, knees and arms too. 😉 However, what happens now that I have to keep an eye on her?

Today, I caught Sage sitting in Tenaya’s dog bed, swinging around the electric cord that she had just pulled from the wallplug. Yikes! I jumped down from the bed with a gasp, whisked her to another corner of my room where she could safely play with my pile of parenting magazines. Later, she tried to wrestle Tenaya’s bone from the dog’s mouth. Tenaya actually saw this as a game. as soon as she felt a tug, she’d let go of the bone, then Sage would hand it back to her. Good Doggy.

I gotta go. I’m on deadline for Salt Lake Magazine. They’ve asked me to be a regular contributer to their outdoors section. My first piece is due tomorrow! I interviewed for an editorial position there about two months ago but they aren’t ready to allow their employees to telecommute and I learned a long time ago that M-F, 9-6 in a cubicle, just isn’t in my genetic makeup. Wish it was; then Sage might actually have a college trust. Instead, she gets mommy 24/7. I’ll remind her of that when she’s 17 and begging for a new car!


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