The Baby Shower


Eleven weeks left and counting. The most incredible part about being pregnant(aside from having an alien grow within you)is that you learn so much about an entirely foreign topic. Like someone about to depart for South America for three months, I’ve delved into every kind of research possible including networking, magazines, TV shows, books, classes and even prenatal yoga. And I’m not a Yoga person; but stretching seems like a good idea at this time.
I walked into class and the teacher asked me if I was pregnant! I had to lift up my shirt to show her my little tummy and prove I wasn’t making it up. I’m small for 7 months but Stef says it’ll be ok. Hell, I’m psyched I won’t be birthing a 12 pounder. Apparently because I’m fit, I tend toward the small side.
Rest easy. I am beginning to show. Especially when I wear tight tops. But it’s all in the stomach. No round face or arms. And the baby’s kicking up a storm lately. At the baby shower, girls teased that I was just pretending to be pregnant to cover up for my boob job. No, I’m really pregnant. The cleavage is just a welcome side effect.
Speaking of the shower- Thanks, everyone for creating such a diverse, unique afternoon of fun. The guests ate, drank (a lot) and were pampered with products from Mountain Body in Park City, massage therapists and Lucy the manicurist. They purchased toys from Polly, the Passion Party consultant, listened to an off-beat woman talk about self-healing and angel spirits and were treated to the acoustic sounds of the Masturbating Hearts. David Baker provided the icing on the cake by appearing in nothing but a shiny green thong. The gifts were great. I went home with five Hefty bags of kids clothes. I’m still in need of bigger items but Park City yardsaling has proven quite effective.

Healthwise, I am doing well. Spent two days last week at Solitude Resort as a featured skier in Cold Snap – a Sci Fi Channel movie about giant spiders that attack a ski area. I’m down to only one pair of ski pants that still fit me. Sigh. But, again, unless I flash bare belly, no one notices. Hiked yesterday in Summit Park and did my stair stepper this evening. Tomorrow, I’ll try to climb. I just got a full-body harness from Petzel to keep the pressure off my tummy.


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