What Not To Say To Someone With Cancer


Will everyone PLEASE chill on the cancer horror stories?? I’m a bit tired now tonight. Didn’t sleep very well last night (4 hrs), spent all day at the Outdoor Retailer show, strolling along the aisles forgetting my life has changed forever and now I’ve had the shittiest evening of all time. I took Sage up to Kamas for a kiddie pool party my friend was throwing. Over cake, she thought she was helping by introducing me to a woman who had grade 1 breast cancer like me. Except that after treatment and a clean diagnosis/prognosis from her dr, she got the same in the other breast and now has jaw cancer. Which means she’s probably going to die sooner rather than later according to the radiology oncologist I spoke with last Thursday. Then, my friend described another friend of hers who died of brain cancer at 29 and another who has it presently, and finished by telling me her aunt died of lung cancer despite never smoking. As my friend Kristen put it, “What the hell was that woman thinking?!” I got home, curled up in a ball in the corner of my closet and sobbed. This is not helpful nor what I need to hear right now! I was doing fairly well for the last few days. Today, not so much. What I need right now is a good therapist, 100 other stories of how women like me live the same life span as those who never had cancer and a 2-hr pedicure/massage. Not conversations with women who can’t get ahead of the eight ball or who die. I’m scared enough as it is, dammit. So please, make something up or at least save those dire tales for those outside of earshot. Thank you. 🙂


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