With Friends Like These……


Ok, gotta sleep. Leaving tomorrow for Escalante for some canyoneering in Egypt 2. I thought I had a friend coming with me but it looks like I’m flying solo. Beeatch sent me an EMAIL (after I had called several times and sent texts over the past two days) at 4 today saying she was sick, had been since Tuesday and wasn’t feeling well enough to travel. Why don’t I cut her slack? Because 1)I first spoke with her on Tuesday about going and she jumped all over it. Not once did she mention she was coming down with something, 2) I made the plans around her schedule, 3) I spoke with her Thursday and still no mention of illness; 4) she never contacted me between then and today despite my many attempts to reach her; 5) when I *67’d her tonight at 10:30, she answered, sounded just fine and there was a party going on in the background. When she heard my voice, she hung up without saying a word and 6) I immediately texted her about how lame that was and she never responded. Chicken shit.
Funny, she spent about a half an hour bitching about how one of her good friends told her he couldn’t hang out with her 4yo anymore because she was too irritating. He stopped calling, bailed on plans they had, blah blah blah. She was extremely hurt and angry. You would think when something like that happens to you, you don’t turn around and be a total turd to someone else.
God I hate my ‘friends’. Another one bites the dust. Why can’t people just say no in the first place and stop f*&king around with other people’s valuable time and energy? I could have planned this trip for a different time and with different people. You don’t bail on a roadtrip the day before you’re supposed to leave. It’s just completely uncool. I had a cold on Wednesday too but it’s not stopping me from hitting Escalante on Sunday. If you’re truly sick at the time someone calls and invites you somewhere you TELL THEM THAT so that they can plan accordingly. If you don’t want to go, you say that immediately. YOU DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE WHEN THERE’S ZERO TIME LEFT FOR THE OTHER PERSON TO FIND ANOTHER COMPANION. That’s just plain obnoxious and grounds for a baseball bat to the head. Ugh. Ok, I’m going to sleep now. Toodles!!


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