Category Archives: Jill Adler’s Personal Blog

A Moment of Sun

My parents arrived on Saturday to see Sage and spend a spring week in Park City. We did the Smith’s rotisserie chicken and some taters thing last night, watched Forbidden Kingdom and off they went into a blizzard to get back to the Westgate Hotel. The call came just minutes later.
Ryan took off (in my car šŸ˜‰ ) with a shovel in hand to dig them out. My mom said she drove the rest of the way back to the Westgate at about 5mph and whiteknuckling all the way. Poor people. Coming from San Diego, they’re not used to winter driving. To them, this is ‘bad’ weather. To skiers, we’re in heaven. But, careful what you wish for.
I begged for “one more powder day” and I got two weeks of it! Ryan even took a vacation day from work to play in it last week. I’ve skied three of the best powder days of the season last week at Snowbird – even filmed at Brighton with Ritchie on Friday with waist deep swirling around me. Yeowza. The driveway had to be plowed three times in the last 24 hours. Need I go on? By Saturday, I was definitely ready to spend the day on the bunny hill with Sage and watch the pond skimmers.
Props to Ryan for being a major gentleman and rescuing my folks when they got their rental car stuck in a snowbank last night. The snow got deeper and deeper throughout the day and, instead of letting up like we thought, it got worse after dinner.Ryan was everyone’s hero. I stayed back to watch Sage and clean the kitchen. God how traditional does that sound? When it comes to digging and pushing out a car, he wins. I’m still not changing my mind about his assuming that my car is his (it’s not) or him wanting to lean on me before he tries to solve his own problems but I’m no longer angry.
Boy, was I fuming. I did wind up loaning him my car; he thanked me when he got home and I explained that it wasn’t the car but his eager willingness to inconvenience me without ever attempting to find a better option (like getting a ride from a co-worker). I told him all he needed to do was to show he had made at least SOME kind of effort. BIG BUTTON issue. I have enough to do in my life without having to deal with damage control of his issues too (at least not before he tries to take care of them himself). We’ll see what happens next time, of course, but today, he’s my dreamboat again.
Gotta hit the shower now.I took my parents snowmobiling at Deer Valley’s Garff Ranch and then we cruised through Kamas like tourists- buying home-smoked jerky and shopping at the New West Country Store. I dropped them at their hotel so I could grab Sage from the sitter’s, shower and head back out for dinner. Whew. The last time they were here (a year ago), they complained of boredom. This time, they’ll go home needing a vacation! šŸ™‚

Farting Is Out of Line

Ryan’s got to stop farting! If he doesn’t, he’s sleeping someplace else. I deseparately need my sleep. For the past four nights, his silent stench has woken me up. I’ll turn in bed, the sheets will invariably lift and, poof, it’s like I’ve stepped into a sewer system. The smell is enough to kill small farm animals. And it wakes me in an angry way. Maybe he’s telling the truth when he says he has no idea he’s doing it. I don’t care. It has to stop! It’s driving me crazy.
Last night, I got so mad. Not only did he fart a zillion times, but he rolled over to my side of the bed to do it. I shoved him back over and he didn’t even grunt. Not fair that he can sleep through this vile act. When he snores, my nudges will wake him and he stops. My theory that if he wakes me up, I’m waking him up doesn’t apply to his gas. Waking him up, doesn’t make the offense go away. It just makes him lift the sheets and release more of the toxic fumes.
Living with a guy, granted, isn’t exactly wine and roses 24/7 but it shouldn’t be backwash and stinkweed either. Ryan’s a sweet guy and he means well most of the time but I’ve never had a boyfriend with gas this bad. During the day, he’s gotten better at not walking over to me and farting. Now he tries to fart in the bathroom or at least out of earshot. But at night, it seems unavoidable and it’s killing me. The couch has his name written all over it. Men, why are you so disgusting?

Ryan’s Moving In!

Ok, so it’s only temporary. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. Ryan’s been looking for a place to buy in Salt Lake and in the meantime has run his current apartment into a hellhole. I won’t ever spend the night there (ick). Not to mention he can’t remember the last time he changed his sheets. He actually threw away all of his dishes because after spending months as a science experiment in his sink they were easier to toss than clean.
He’s at my place (in Park City) all the time anyway, I convince myself. What would really be different? Not to mention the Red Sox playoffs have begun so he’ll be up here for sure. But it was always comforting to know that I could send him home to his place and it wouldn’t mean anything more than he was spending the night at his place. Now, if he sleeps somewhere else it’s a big deal.

We had talked about living together but the discussion ends with me saying, “If you want this relationship to last, never move in.” It’s me not him. I’m a pain inthe ass to live with. I like my space, I need to control my space, and I suck as a sharer. I know my limitations. Fortunately, so does Ryan. He enjoys pushing my buttons but he also knows when he’s gone too far and how to make amends. Chinese Food and a big hug.
We’ve lasted this long because of him, not me. He’s terrific and easy going even when I’m a raging bitch. I so love that guy! But we could always take a breather in separate corners.
Then I go and f*^% it all up by suggesting he move in until he finds a place to buy sla he pays for twice a month housecleaning. I don’t ask for much- I guess – because he took the move-out letter to his landlord today. Starting Nov. 1, we will officially be living together.
Yikes! Am I making the biggest mistake of my life? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the status quo and I could tell that Ryan is scared to death as well; even when he happily cuddled with Sage and announced that he would now see her every day- (like he doesn’t already!)
It’s temporary, I repeat. We did this once before but Sage wasn’t in the picture and Ryan didn’t have a driver’s license. He was stuck at my place, driving me mad instead of driving. I couldn’t wait for him to get out and move down to Salt Lake City.
This time is supposedly just until he buys a place, but we both know that if we’re doing well together he may buy the place and stick renters in, instead of himself. Plus, Sage would sure miss her him once she got used to having him around.
Some may wonder what I’m afraid of. Those are the ones who have never lived with a boyfriend. A boyfriend whose only reference to living with a woman is living with his mother. Ryan slipped up tonight and said, “Maybe now that I’m here, we’ll cook more.” I corrected him that “we’ll” means “me” and “No, I do not plan to cook more.” Nor do I intend to do his laundry or his cleaning. Hence, the cleaning lady that he will be paying for. That’s the selling point for sure. Up till now, our biggest battles have been over the fact that he has lived here four nights a week for more than five years and hasn’t once cleaned a toilet or sink or floor. Pros and cons:
I can hit the gym every afternoon if I want because he’ll be here right after work instead of his place and can watch Sage.
twice a month house cleaning
saving money on both sides. He pays no rent and I get help with bills
Someone to cuddle with at night and watch Heroes with
twice a month house cleaning
I can play with the girls on baseball nights while he watches Tv and Sage
More Mess
Having to move my stuff around to make room for his stuff
Nowhere to run
Toilet seat up and guy gas
Don’t get the bed all to myself
Well, I better get back to work. Just needed to flush out my thoughts. I feel better now; actually a bit excited at the new challenge ahead. I’ll keep you posted.
BTW, the new issue of Sports Guide is out and posted on our site: Check it out!

Long Time No Chat

Wow, I think this has been the longest stretch I’ve gone without blogging since I started blogging. I blame the stellar Wasatch ski season, my gargantuan home construction and being the mom of a one year old. Does that buy me a hall pass? I still have 60 hours of programming to watch on my DVR! On the bright side, I’ve painted the new spaces and have moved onto purchasing a office desk and appliances for the downstairs mom-in-law space and Sage has said her first word beyond Mama. She can say “MORE”. Yup; her very first word; ironic isn’t it? A true Adler. She also loves bagels, takes huge spills without a tear shed, and laughs and babbles up a storm. She’s walking fast but not running yet. Signing more words- ball, baby, bath, socks, shoes, diaper- but more importantly she ‘gets it.’ When we wake in the morning, she picks up her toys before we leave her room, I ask her where her binky is and she looks for it and finds it, she tells me what she would like to eat, she grabs her ankles and lifts up her butt for the diaper change, stops fussing before I count to ‘5’ (9 times out of 10 :)). Our baby is growing up! She’ll be 21 months on the 12th so I suppose it’s to be expected. Hoping the “terrible twos” will pass us like Elijah.
To see the evolution of the construction,
and of Sage:

Hello Again!

I got my ass spanked in the terrain park at PCMR today. Not that I crashed or anything major but with hyper adrenaline charges pumping, I was whisked into the park and pride forced me to step up – on 4 trips through the beast. It was Jonesies. Three years ago this was the baby park. Now it’s the medium-sized one but you could have fooled me. #1 – I cleared the knuckle each time but came down on my tails before correcting my balance. The PSIA clinician said I was an ACL accident waiting to happen. Not good for the psyche when it was right back up for round two. Bigger, faster and more centered, I nailed all three landings but damn those can still feel like someone is drilling into your feet from below. #3- first jump came up short and I landed on the knuckle. No biggie really but being concerned about clearing the next jump, I started my straightrun from that rollover. I was flying and then I was flying. I caught so much air it scared me. I nearly hit the flats after the landing. Not good. I pulled out to the side and steadied myself for going sideways on the ”beginner” box. No problem riding straight on the 2-foot wide feature of flat white plastic with metal edges. But popping onto it and twisting 90-degrees so that I was perpendicular to it was another animal. Four times I tried; three I wiped out on my left hip and once I stayed on my feet- barely. My ankle, arm, hip, middle back and neck are all a little achey tonight.
I must be touched in the head because I really want to go back and conquer that beast. I bet if it was a sunny day, things would be different! Instead, the light was flat, it was snowing and frickin’ cold. Plus, my hip flexors are weak from lack of training and I seemed to be working hard for each 180 and pop.

Back at the ranch, I found Lucas sheetrocking my new addition. It’s coming along- slowly as always- but it’s beginning to transform into something resembling a living space. The plan is to acid stain the concrete floor tomorrow. I can’t wait. A new DIY project for Jill! So far, I’ve installed switchplates, lighting fixtures and painted and installed an organizer in my closet. I would have done more if there was more to do. We’re moving soooo slowly. I can’t believe it’s taking more than 6 months. That’s crazy.
Ryan’s well and has been a huge help with the baby. For example, he drove up from Salt Lake to pick her up from the sitter’s yesterday while I was stuck in SLC shopping for supplies. He came up tonight to watch her so I could make my digital photography class but I blew that off and we hung out for dinner instead. I do want to get a better understanding of my Canon but the class is boring and filled with that photograher’s gibberish like F-stop, shutter speed, histogram, spot metering that puts me to sleep. After a day like today, I’d fade fast. I think I need a one on one to ever understand the mechanics of anything non point-n-shoot.
We spent three hours last Saturday shooting around a drab park (it was starting to snow, everything was dead (or hibernating), grey and still. Plus, I was freezing. It must have been in the 20s.
Here’s one of my shots. What do you think? Do I have talent or what?
I am going to try to go back next week but I may have lost my way.
Skiing’s still really nice although the powder is now packed powder and locals are sitting things out until the next big dump. Tuesday maybe?
Sage said mama tonight and for the first time I seriously think she gets what it means. She has said it in the past but then it was more like part of her babbling. Today at dinner Ryan asked her, “Where’s mama?” Sage looked right at me and said, “Mama.” I know this shouldn’t be so exciting but when you’ve waited nearly 19 months and everyone starts wondering why your baby is ‘slow’ at speech you can’t help but swoon over the accomplishment. She has been signing for communication. She knows the signs for milk, diaper, more, please, cheese, juice, sleep and mama. I so love being able to give Ryan shit about baby sign language. When I took my class and tried to teach him some words he said no way and that he would have to see it to believe. Now he believes.
She walks, she crawls up steps, she loves bathtime, sleeps 12 hours a night and is still mostly eating food from the baby jars. She likes them and they’re all natural so why not. This way she’s guaranteed to eat her veggies (unlike her mama). And speaking of eating, Sage is 24 pounds and 32 inches. She has outgrown clothes from my almost 3 yr old niece! The two babies are now about the same size.
Tenaya’s starting get some payback for all of these months of (relative) inattention. The baby is tossing balls to her and Tenaya retrieves. ok, gotta go. Have to sleep. After three nights in a row of a mere 5 hour shuteye, I popped an Ambian and am now about to tuff my face into this keyboard. L8tr!
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